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Essential DIY CNC Router Parts and 4 CNC Machines You Can Make Yourself

An increasing number of CNC enthusiasts and machining hobbyists invest in DIY CNC router parts to build their CNC machine at home, from scratch. They are doing so because having your very own CNC machine offers a lot of advantages.

However, building a CNC machine with DIY CNC router parts can be overwhelming for the newbies. But if you invest a little time and understand the process, it's not that difficult. Moreover, many companies are now offering DIY CNC machine kits and pre-made machine parts to make your own CNC machine easier.

We dedicate this article to people who are interested in making their CNC machines at home. This article will discuss some DIY CNC router parts that you will need when making your CNC machine. And then, we will share ideas for some CNC routers that you can make at home.

DIY CNC Router Parts

What is a CNC Router?

A CNC router is an innovation in machining and is the successor of a manual router. It is a piece of sophisticated machining equipment that combines manual machining features with a computer's powers and produces precisely-machined parts with efficiency while promising enhanced productivity.

CNC routers can work on various materials, including wood, plastic, and soft or hard metals, depending on the machine type. You can use DIY CNC router parts for constructing CNC routers for conventional milling or additive milling.

The process of CNC machining begins with the creation of 2D or 3D CAD files. These files elaborate the specifications of the part to the controller. A CAM software is then used, which generates a G-code for the CNC machine from the CAD files.

The CNC controller reads the CNC code and communicates it to the machine, which moves according to the user's coordinates.

DIY CNC Router Parts

Following are some of the significant DIY CNC router parts that make up any CNC machine.


A CNC machine's frame is an essential part of its infrastructure as it supports the entire machine. The frame of a CNC machine provides the machine the rigidity and sturdiness needed to withstand the cutting forces.

A typical CNC machine would have a base with a detachable column. However, some bigger machines may have their own legs or may be welded to a sturdier base.

The most common material that makes up the CNC frame are wood, aluminum extrusion or plate or steel weldments filled with epoxy filling.

The primary requirement for a CNC machine frame is to withstand cutting forces, as mentioned above. And they should be able to damp the vibrations from cutting to ensure that the vibrations don't manifest as a lousy surface finish on the parts.

CNC Machine Tabletop

A Tabletop is another one of the DIY CNC router parts that you can build or outsource. The CNC machine tabletop is used to hold the material during the machining process. These tables could be made using Aluminium or wood. But wooden tables are sensitive to moisture and can swell, thereby causing inaccuracies in the finished parts.

There are four basic types of tabletops, including T-slot, vacuum, perforated and disposable tabletops. You can incorporate any of these tabletops depending on what you plan to make with your CNC machine.


A spindle is the most important among all the DIY CNC router parts. Most DIY CNC enthusiasts call it the heart of CNC machining as it does the machining. The spindle cuts the material and creates the parts.

CNC Controller

A CNC controller is the brain of the CNC machine. It acts as a bridge between the computer and the machine and helps you tell the machine what to do. It depends on three mechanisms, including CNC software, a machine control unit, and a processing device.

The software is responsible for communicating with the machine. The controller mechanism executes the G-code, which tells the machine what to do according to the information you have fed.

Some CNC Routers You Can Build with DIY CNC Router Parts

As we said above, building a CNC router with a DIY CNC Router part may seem overwhelming from afar, but it can be pretty straightforward once you spend some time understanding the process and then invest in the right resources.

DIY CNC Router

A DIY CNC router that we are discussing here is ideal for woodworkers. This DIY CNC router is a little short on tolerance when comparing it with a conventional milling machine. Still, it can perform adequately for woodworks and can do fine inlay work.

Moreover, if you don't (or can't) build a CNC router from scratch with DIY router parts, you can buy a CNC router kit. Furthermore, there are companies out there selling pre-made router parts to make your DIY project easier.

As far as expenses are concerned, you will find this project moderately expensive, but that's subjective to your financial condition. This project may come off as slightly tricky for newbies, but it can be made easy with a DIY kit.

A disadvantage of this machine is that it is restricted when it comes to materials. You can only use a DIY CNC router for machining plastics, wood, and soft metals, but only if the table is sturdy.

3D Printer

As we mentioned above, you can make conventional and additive machining equipment with DIY CNC router parts. A 3D printer is an example of additive machining equipment that you can construct yourself.

3D printers allow you to make parts that would be difficult to make with conventional machining. But they make parts with low resolution, and 3D printed parts often have an unacceptable finish. It may need post-procedure finishing and scraping.

The cost of making a 3D printing machine with DIY CNC router parts is low as you can get open-source software for free. These devices are easier to make but work only for plastics.

CNC Milling Machine

A CNC Milling Machine is the most flexible machine. With a CNC milling machine, you have endless machining possibilities. But it is also the most challenging and most expensive to make with DIY CNC router parts. However, if you already have a manual machine, then converting it into a CNC machine would significantly reduce the cost and difficulty level.

This DIY project might be a little on the expensive side if you don't already have a manual machine as you will either be buying a donor machine or building one from scratch, additional CNC parts and CAM software. Moreover, it can eat up a lot of your time as well.

Plasma CNC Machine

A CNC plasma table uses a plasma torch to machine and cuts metallic sheets. Like all other CNC machines, this table needs mechanisms to move on the XY axis and a little across the Z-axis.

Other mechanisms involved in constructing a plasma table are pretty simple, like a skate bearing slide mechanism and an arrangement to minimize backlash.

For a CNC plasma table to work, you may need Mach3 software and CAM software, like for other projects.

Making a CNC plasma table with DIY CNC router parts can be reasonably easy to build if you have some welding and fabrication experience. This project can also be relatively affordable if you have a plasma torch on hand.

However, a downside to the CNC plasma table would be that you can only use it for machining sheet metals. Moreover, it can make materials hard after the machining process.

DIY CNC Router Parts


Typical DIY CNC router parts include a frame, tabletop, spindle, CNC controller, and a drive system. Having insight into these DIY CNC router parts can be extremely useful if you plan to make a CNC machine yourself.

With a little experience or no experience and a DIY CNC kit, you can easily make any CNC machine by yourself, including a DIY CNC router, a 3D printing machine, a CNC mill, and a plasma table.

However, before you start on a DIY CNC project, don't forget to consider the project's cost and budget, it's level of difficulty, and the time it would take to complete. Also, think beforehand about what parts you wish to make and then proceed with the CNC project accordingly.

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